Tuesday 25 May 2010

Baked cod with butter beans, tomatoes and chorizo

A few months ago, having had a few glasses of wine, I decided to sign up for ‘The Edinburgh MoonWalk’ with a group of friends.  By signing my name up I have committed myself to a 26 and a bit mile walk through the wee hours of the morning in Edinburgh during the dizzy heights of a Scottish summer. When I signed up for this event I figured the only way that I was ever going to complete a marathon was by walking one. Of course it is also for a fantastic cause as all funds raised go to a breast cancer charity.

In order to get ready for the event the committed party have walked many miles in an attempt to build up our stamina.  It is also an excuse to eat a little bit more than usual!

As part of my training this week I walked a hot and sweaty 17 mile walk in 25C along a canal path. The night before the walk I prepared a carb-loaded dish with butter beans and chorizo in a tomato sauce served with a chunky piece of baked cod.  It proved to be the perfect preparatory dish, although you certainly do not have to walk 17 miles to walk off this dish. I also took along some chocolate brownies for my pudding on the walk day (which made my blisters feel better). 

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